Thursday, June 12, 2008

Campaign Speech

Vote For David Hall - Plano I.S.D. Trustee
请投David Hall 一票 – Plano 学区委员

I have been blessed by a life of challenges that have prepared me to serve the Plano community. 我为一生中有机会受过种种的挑战而感到祝福, 这正准备好我为Plano社区服务。

As a Marine Corps Officer I learned leadership lessons, timeliness, and the value of serving our Nation. 作为一名海军陆战队官员, 我学会了领导的功课,适时的能力和为国家服务的价值。

As a Price Waterhouse Consultant I learned the importance of regulatory compliance, exactness, and meeting budgets. 作为一名普华永道会计师事务所的顾问, 我学会了遵守法则、精确性和达到预算的重要性。

When I operated an international business I learned consensus-building across cultural and language barriers and how to do this under the financial, time, and personnel pressures required to compete. 当我在操作一个国际企业时, 我学会了如何建立超越文化和语言障隘的妥协,并且怎么知道在财务, 时间和人际压力下去完成它。

When I began teaching I learned how demanding that profession is, along with the joy of seeing young people succeed. 当我开始教书时我明白了这个行业非常吃力,但我看见青年人成功时, 我也感到喜悦。

When I was asked to analyze information for a public school district with 22 campuses across Texas I learned the cost-effectiveness of using technology to supplement teachers' skills and also learned to evaluate the results of the education process using trend-analysis. 当我被要求为22个横跨德州在不同学区里的公立学校分析信息时,我学到了如何使用技术的成本效益来补充老师的技能, 并且学会如何使用趋向分析去评估教育过程所得的结果。

As an administrator for a public school district that meets the educational needs of some of our society's less fortunate, I have learned how fundamentally important character education is in providing the tools that a young person needs to participate and succeed in school and for a school to succeed. 当我作一名公立学区特别为社区中一些比较不幸的孩子教育需要的管理员时,我体会到品德教育的重要性, 它提供青年人所需要的适当工具在学校里参于和得成功, 也导至一个学校的成功。

As a husband for 36 years, father of 3, and grandfather of 7, I KNOW the importance of parental involvement, choice, and support in education. 作了36年的丈夫,3个儿女的父亲和7个小孩的祖父,我知道父母亲的参于、选择和支持孩子的教育是如何的重要。

God willing, if given the opportunity, I will use the capabilities that I have gained through a life of challenges to serve the Plano community as a school board member.
如果上帝许可, 给予我这个机会, 成为校务委员会一名成员的话,我会将我一生中所受过种种的挑战所得来的经验和能力尽为Plano社区服务 。

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